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What to Expect at Peace Lutheran Church

Our doors are open to everyone

We are looking forward to seeing you at Peace Lutheran Church! You’ll receive a warm welcome at the Welcome Center and get a name tag from our greeters.  You’ll be greeted inside and can enter the sanctuary and find a seat. All of the responses are displayed on screens to make it easy for you to follow the liturgy and sing the hymns, for that week's service. Our services are easy to follow!


Following announcements and greetings, the organist will play a voluntary which allows one to prepare for worship. The liturgy will begin as the congregation stands and turns to face the baptistery for confession and forgiveness. God washes away our sin and reminding us of his love for us!


The first part of the liturgy centers on the Word of God, in the readings from the Bible, the sermon and the prayers. Liturgy means the “work of the people.” Using that word reminds us that we are co-workers, not just watchers, with God.  There will be a place in the prayers to offer to God the names of anyone for whom you are praying.  The second part of the service centers on the Lord’s Supper. All of God’s children are invited to commune with Christ.


Before the service, there is fellowship time at which coffee or water and goodies are served.

We hope that you will be able to worship at Peace Lutheran Church next Sunday and want to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ. We hope you have been blessed by Christ in worship and that you will be a blessing to others!

Our Sanctuary

The Baptistery


Inside the sanctuary you will notice the baptistery. The water in the font is always flowing as a reminder of God’s ongoing work in our lives. Some people touch the water and trace the sign of the cross as a reminder of their Baptism.


The Stained Glass Window


You will also see the large stained glass window in the front. It is designed to tell the story of how God is working out salvation with all of us in this community of faith. 

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